Our millet noodles are more than just a meal, they are a magical link between hungry souls. It is a thrilling journey full of nutrients for your hungry young adventurers. The nutritious millet noodles are filled with health benefits in each mouthful. Every noodle was crafted meticulously, free of gluten, and without any extra preservatives. Also offer a balanced and flavorful taste. It is an ideal choice for all parents who want their children to enjoy tasty food and its health benefits. Crafted with the love of nature, boosted with the power of millets and fiber, and the healthiest option on the table, whether it’s after school, during playtime, or a midnight munch, our millet noodles are there for you.
Nutritional facts per 100gms:-
Energy(kcal) 388.2
Carbohydrates 92.26
Fat 0.5
Fiber 1.76
Protein 4.79
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